
أنواع المتلازمات اللفظية في اللغة العربية

أنواع المتلازمات اللفظية في اللغة العربية

Patterns of Collocations in Arabic


 صُنفت المتلازمات اللفظية العربية إلى أنواع موازية نحويًا ولفظيًا لأنواع المتلازمات الإنجليزية. وفيما يلي بعض الأمثلة الموضحة:

 ‎1. فعل + اسم/ مفعول به:

مثال: (يشن حرباً)


‏2.  اسم (موصوف) + صفة

مثال: (حرب شعواء/ حرب ضروس)


3. فعل + فاعل

Al-Qamoos English Arabic dictionary Search Tips and Tricks

You may ask yourself: what is the best English Arabic dictionary available? What kind of features that a dictionary should have to call it the best English Arabic dictionary?

I am not claiming that Al-Qamoos is the best English Arabic dictionary on the web, but let me explain some of its best features. Maybe, after reading through, you will be convinced that it's at least one of the best dictionaries online.

Alqamoos magazine is featured in Paper.li blog

Today, Al-Qamoos magazine was featured in Paper.li blog. This is awesome and it makes me so proud. At the same time, it puts more pressure on me to strive for better content. I hope you are enjoying reading my magazine. It's updated weekly and it's really full of great articles and posts about translations, localization and even job opportunities. 

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